M_o_R® Management of Risk Foundation Courseware - English


Erschienen am 15.04.2019, Auflage: 1/2019
79,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789401803984
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Besides the M_o_R® Management of Risk Foundation Courseware - 2010 Edition English (ISBN: 9789401803960 ) publication you are advised to obtain the corresponding publication Management of Risk: Guidance for Practitioners - 2010 Edition (ISBN: 978 0 11 331274 0). M_o_R® Foundation Certifications is suitable for individuals wanting to demonstrate they have achieved sufficient understanding of the M_o_R® methodology. M_o_R® is an Enterprise wide risk management methodology, based on ISO 31000;2018.The method provides practical guidelines and (managerial) structures for controlling risks in organisations. M_o_R® is directed at 4 levels: strategic, programme, project and operational level.M_o_R® describes all activities necessary to regularly and integrally identify, quantify, address and control risks that influence organisational objectives. It also provides a score of relevant management documents to support the approach and an extensive list of techniques to help execute the activities.Key benefits:A certain amount of risk taking is part of any organisations activity in meeting its objectives. Risk management can contribute to:Improved decision making and less (unexpected) surprises;Improved corporate governance by improved decision making and compliancy;Reduction of fraud, more efficient and effective management and extra value for money;Innovation;Improved Business Continuity Management.This Courseware is suited to prepare for the M_o_R® 2010 Foundation exam.


M_o_R® Foundation PowerPoint slidesM_o_R® Foundation assignments M_o_R® Foundation Examination Sample Paper 1 Question Booklet M_o_R® Foundation Examination Sample Paper 1 Answers and RationalesM_o_R® Foundation Examination Sample Paper 2 Question BookletM_o_R® Foundation Examination Sample Paper 2 Answers and RationalesM_o_R® Foundation Syllabus

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